Why we chose the cold processed soap method!

Why we chose the cold processed soap method!

As a natural alchemist, I choose to use cold process soap making for several reasons, mainly for my ability to utilize natural elements to their fullest potential. Cold process soap making involves mixing oils and butters with lye, allowing the soap to cure over time. Here are some reasons why it aligns with our more natural & energetic approach to self care:

1. Retains natural ingredients: Cold process soap making preserves the natural properties of oils and butters, as it doesn't involve excessive heat that can degrade their beneficial components. This allows you to harness the full potential of natural ingredients in your soap.

2. Customization: With cold process soap making, you have complete control over the ingredients you use. This allows you to tailor your soap to your specific holistic needs, incorporating herbs, essential oils, and other natural additives known for their therapeutic properties.

3. Chemical-free: Cold process soap making avoids the use of synthetic additives and chemicals that are often found in commercially produced soaps. By choosing this method, you can create soap free from harsh detergents, preservatives, and artificial fragrances, promoting a more natural and gentle cleansing experience.

4. Mindful and sustainable: Cold process soap making offers an opportunity to be environmentally conscious by using biodegradable ingredients and reducing waste. Additionally, it allows you to avoid the packaging and transportation footprint associated with store-bought soaps.

Overall, cold process soap making aligns with the principles of natural holistic alchemy by prioritizing the use of natural ingredients, customization, avoiding harsh chemicals, and promoting sustainability.

In the world of soap making, cold processed soap is like the gourmet chef's creation. It's made from scratch allowing the soap maker to carefully craft each ingredient to create a unique and luxurious bar of soap. 

So, how does cold processed soap work? Well, it's a bit like magic. The soap maker combines oils, like olive oil, coconut oil, or shea butter, with a solution of lye and water. This mixture goes through a process called saponification, where the oils and lye react together to create soap.

The beauty of cold processed soap lies in its customizability. Soap makers have the freedom to choose different oils, additives, and scents to create their own unique blends. Whether it's lavender and oatmeal for a calming and exfoliating bar or lemongrass and eucalyptus for an invigorating and refreshing soap, the options are endless.

One of the great things about cold processed soap is that it retains all the natural goodness. You see, during the saponification process, glycerin is formed as a byproduct. Glycerin is a fantastic moisturizer for the skin, helping to keep it soft and hydrated. Unlike commercial soaps that often remove the glycerin, cold processed soap keeps it intact, making it gentle and nourishing for your skin.

Now, it's important to note that making cold processed soap requires a bit of skill and experience. Handling lye can be dangerous if not done properly, so safety precautions are a must. The soap also needs some time to cure, typically a few weeks, to ensure it's mild and ready to use. Patience & passion is key when it comes to cold processed soap.

Now to make an educated choice for you and your family, here are the biggest differences between cold processed soap, hot process soap, and melt and pour soap. The biggest differences lie in their production methods and characteristics. Here are the pros and cons of each type:

Cold Processed Soap:

1. More control over ingredients: You have the freedom to choose specific oils, additives, and scents.
2. Natural and gentle: Cold process soap retains the natural glycerin, resulting in a mild and moisturizing bar.
3. Creative freedom: You can create intricate designs and swirls by manipulating the soap batter.
1. Longer curing time: Cold process soap requires several weeks to cure before it's ready to use.
2. Skill and experience: The process involves working with lye, which can be dangerous if not handled properly.
3. Limited instant use: Since it needs to cure, you can't use the soap immediately after making it.

Hot Process Soap:
1. Faster curing time: The hot process method speeds up the curing time, allowing you to use the soap within a few days.
2. No waiting for curing: Unlike cold process soap, hot process soap is ready to use right after cooking.
3. Potentially longer shelf life: The cooking process may lead to a harder and longer-lasting bar of soap.
1. Limited design options: The texture of hot process soap is typically less smooth, making intricate designs more challenging.
2. Heat exposure: The soap is subjected to higher temperatures, which can potentially affect the integrity of certain additives.
3. Less control over scent retention: The heat may cause some fragrance oils to dissipate or change.

Melt and Pour Soap:
1. Easy and convenient: Melt and pour soap bases are pre-made, eliminating the need to work with lye.
2. Quick results: You can create soap bars in a short time, as the base is already saponified.
3. Wide variety: There are numerous melt and pour bases available, including options with added ingredients like shea butter or goat's milk.
1. Limited control over ingredients: While you can add fragrance, color, and additives, the base itself is pre-formulated.
2. Lower customization: The design options are somewhat limited compared to cold and hot process soaps.
3. Less natural: Melt and pour bases often contain synthetic ingredients and may have a higher detergent-like feel.

Ultimately, the choice between these different types of soap making methods depends on your preferences, level of experience, desired results, and available time.

For us, it’s a no brainer but I encourage you to really inspect the ingredients on the products you are using every single day. We know why we made the choice to move towards more natural & healthy products for us and our family.   

If you're looking for a soap that's made with love, natural ingredients, and a personal touch, give cold processed soap a try. It's the perfect way to elevate your bathing experience and treat your skin to a little luxury. 


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