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Large Labradorite Buddha Carving with Wooden stand

Large Labradorite Buddha Carving with Wooden stand

Regular price $165.00
Regular price Sale price $165.00
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A Labradorite Buddha is considered to be a powerful crystal for spiritual awakening, inner balance, and illumination. Labradorite is a gemstone with a unique iridescent appearance that shines in a rainbow of colors, making it a popular choice for jewelry and healing purposes. The Buddha is a symbol of enlightenment, wisdom, and serenity, which adds to the energy of the Labradorite.

The combination of Labradorite and Buddha energy is believed to enhance mindfulness, meditation, and insight into one's inner self. It is said to bring clarity to one's mind, stimulate intuition, and inspire creativity. Labradorite Buddha is also believed to protect the bearer from negative energies, psychic attacks, and emotional stress. Wearing or having a Labradorite Buddha nearby is said to encourage positive transformation, spiritual growth, and a sense of inner peace. It is a popular choice for those seeking spiritual guidance, personal growth, and emotional healing.

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